Method A
Method B
What is it?

Click to subscribe to N9-RHPS
This is the Primary Y-Group for
fans and friends of N9 to join in with us and chat.
From fellow casts at Blackwell to fellow ConGeeks. From
RHPS fans world-wide to our new Groupies... This is a PUBLIC Y-Group
open for anyone to join... |

Click to subscribe to N9-Atlanta
This is the PRIVATE Y-Grope for
N9. It is reserved for the many hundreds of N9 running around out there. If someone feels they were overlooked
as a member, they may email or petition for entry to the elite chaos of our minds... and whatever else we are offering
for the weekend. The link should send a request to the moderator.. |

Click to subscribe to blackwellrocky
This is the PUBLIC Y-Group for N9 and LPP
and the many fans and attendees of the Blackwell Cinema
shows. Designed to work as an OPEN forum for all who wish to discuss anything in the casts and the theatre, this
group is unmoderated but monitored by the representatives of both casts. Come play with us! |

Click to subscribe to Atlanta-RHPS
This is the Y-Group for the Lambda Psi Phi cast that performs at Blackwell. They can also be found at their website. The LPP cast is more of a by-the-book
cast than N9 (more the parody and gimmick cast) but is comprised of members almost as long-standing and sometimes
even more dedicated than our own. |